FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE® with Karli Newman
Hi there! I'm Karli Newman, and this is my podcast, FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®.
In my mid-40s, my positive mindset was tested. I felt life was passing me by. I was restless in my career even though I loved my job, and exhausted after years of ignoring my self-care. PLUS the hormonal shifts of perimenopause were affecting me in ways I didn't know or understand.
Externally I maintained a positive attitude. Internally I struggled with changing my life’s direction. I didn't talk about it and it took me years to work through it.
Over time I took some big leaps, including a move back to Arizona. I created a new approach to my life and maximized my innate positivity. That’s how I ended up here - helping women like you tap into your positive mindset and inner expertise to see and seize the possibilities around you. I don’t want you to do this alone!
I’m a certified coach focused on whole-life wellness. I know from personal experience what a transformational time of life this is and how challenging it feels sometimes! I’m here to help you navigate obstacles, uncover how to move forward, and continue your unique journey of personal growth and self-discovery.
I intentionally create short episodes that fit into your busy life and get you thinking about your well-being. I cover topics that the women in this community care about (that's you BTW!).
Wherever you are in midlife and beyond, there’s space here to honor who you’ve been, love who you are, and be excited about who you are becoming.
This is the FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE® and it's a glorious place to be!
Go ahead...binge all of my episodes. xo Karli
FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE® with Karli Newman
Continue to compassionately reflect on the year with a different tool this week - your journal (or your memories supported by your photo roll and calendar).
In this episode, I walk you through a few things to look for in your journal pages and then give you 3 prompts to pull it all together. Find the prompts at 01:54.
🎧 Listen now to notice where you’ve been and how you arrived where you are.
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Have you noticed how much you've grown over the past 12 months, my friend?
Without turning around to see how far you've come, you can easily miss out on fully appreciating your progress. Keep listening for another way to compassionately reflect on 2024.
Hi there, my friend. In case we haven't met yet, I'm Karli. Thank you so much for joining me here.
If you missed the past two episodes that take you through reflecting with your photo roll and calendar, please go back and listen, my friend. Those two episodes together with today's can make the end of your year feel so good.
In two weeks, we turn the page to 2025. Can you believe it's been a quarter of a century since Y2K? Think about how far technology has come in that time. Think about how far you have come in that time.
In that vein of thought, shrink the timeline to the last year. What impactful progress, developments, and lessons occurred in your life?
Over the next week, I encourage you to use your journal to reflect on 2024 with compassion and self-kindness. There are so many gifts on these pages.
Now, if journaling isn't part of your well-being practice, that's okay. Keep listening. You can reflect this week using your memories with your photo roll and calendar to support you.
As you reflect, recognize how you grew from January 1st through today. Notice where your gifts made an impact and where you can release blocks to allow them to shine more brightly. Have gratitude for your ability to move through tough times. Remember to celebrate your enhanced self-awareness.
Take notes on all of this, my friend. They will help you on this next step.
Time Marker 01:54
When you feel your compassionate reflection on 2024 is complete, use the following three prompts to help you pull all of your learnings together.
Prompt number one, What self discoveries did you make in 2024?
Prompt number two, What feels meaningful to you about 2024?
And prompt number three, Where do you see opportunities for change and growth in your life? What might be possible on the other side of these opportunities?
Reflection is a powerful tool, my friend. When you take time to see where you've been and how you arrived where you are, you have more clarity on which direction to head next.
Think of this as the starting point for how your big, beautiful life unfolds in 2025.
I'd love to hear how this episode resonates with you, my friend. Comment or reach out to me at karli@flipsideofmidlife.com to share.
Speaking of sharing, I send you good vibes every time you tell a friend, sister, or colleague about the FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®. Your personal recommendation means so much to me!
As always, I'm here cheering you on as you travel through midlife and beyond. I'll be back next week when I cover how to choose your intentions for the new year.
Thanks for listening.