FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE® with Karli Newman
Hi there! I'm Karli Newman, and this is my podcast, FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®.
In my mid-40s, my positive mindset was tested. I felt life was passing me by. I was restless in my career even though I loved my job, and exhausted after years of ignoring my self-care. PLUS the hormonal shifts of perimenopause were affecting me in ways I didn't know or understand.
Externally I maintained a positive attitude. Internally I struggled with changing my life’s direction. I didn't talk about it and it took me years to work through it.
Over time I took some big leaps, including a move back to Arizona. I created a new approach to my life and maximized my innate positivity. That’s how I ended up here - helping women like you tap into your positive mindset and inner expertise to see and seize the possibilities around you. I don’t want you to do this alone!
I’m a certified coach focused on whole-life wellness. I know from personal experience what a transformational time of life this is and how challenging it feels sometimes! I’m here to help you navigate obstacles, uncover how to move forward, and continue your unique journey of personal growth and self-discovery.
I intentionally create short episodes that fit into your busy life and get you thinking about your well-being. I cover topics that the women in this community care about (that's you BTW!).
Wherever you are in midlife and beyond, there’s space here to honor who you’ve been, love who you are, and be excited about who you are becoming.
This is the FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE® and it's a glorious place to be!
Go ahead...binge all of my episodes. xo Karli
FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE® with Karli Newman
Every woman benefits from a close look at her unique self to recognize how to feel grateful for who she is. It can be challenging to turn your gratitude practice inward, however.
In this episode, I cover common roadblocks to building a self-gratitude practice and the benefits you experience when you do.
I also share a few writing prompts you can use to notice the self-gratitude-worthy moments you’ve experienced on your journey in midlife and beyond.
This is a road you are fortunate to travel, my friend!
Remember to share with women in your life! Help them get a boost of self-esteem and resilience.
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You don't need me to tell you your journey in midlife and beyond is made of highs and lows.
What you may not realize, my friend, is that within there lies a plethora of self-gratitude-worthy moments.
Want to remove your blinders to see them more clearly? Keep listening.
Hello there, my friend. Welcome back to FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE™️.
I'm Karli Newman, and I'm so happy to have you here with me. I help women like you tap into your positive mindset and inner expertise so you can see and seize the possibilities around you. Midlife and beyond is a beautiful time of life! It's also a challenging time of life, but you don't have to travel this journey alone.
You are part of this community, my friend. Head to flipsideofmidlife.com where you can sign up for the free emails you want to receive, become a member of ELEVATE, attend events, and work with me one-on-one.
Every woman benefits from a close look at her unique self to recognize how to feel grateful for who she is. It can be challenging to turn your gratitude practice inward, however.
What gets in the way of your self-gratitude, my friend?
Perhaps a few of these common roadblocks sound familiar.
Negative self-talk. Your inner critic can be pretty nasty, can't she? She can easily cloud your ability to notice and appreciate the gratitude-worthy parts of your journey in midlife and beyond.
Another roadblock? Perfectionism. Perfectionism is other-based rather than self-based. It keeps you from feeling worthy.
And then there's the all-encompassing 'I don't have time' roadblock. That one needs no description.
Your well-being gets a boost when you create a consistent self-gratitude practice. From greater self-esteem to enhanced resilience to improved physical and mental health, the benefits are so impactful.
Take some time this week to reflect on your journey in midlife and beyond. Whether you're at the start of your travels or further along the path, there is much to be grateful for.
Think of your growing self-awareness and understanding. Consider what you've released and how you're moving forward from there. Notice your shifting desires, firmer boundaries, and lower tolerance for BS.
It's been a minute since I provided writing prompts for you, so grab your journal, notebook, or favorite app, and get ready to write. I'll include a time marker in the show notes and transcript, so you can find these three prompts later if you need to.
Time Marker 02:45
Prompt number one. Think back to when you stepped onto your midlife path. You may not have known it then, but you probably can use hindsight to notice it now. Make a list of the things that identify the beginning for you. Reflect on how far you've come from that point. Express self-gratitude for the distance you've traveled and the lessons learned between your beginning and now.
Prompt number two. Think about the work you've intentionally done to learn, grow, and change in midlife and beyond. How has that impacted you? Thank yourself for it.
And prompt number three, consider the difficult times you've experienced in midlife and beyond. How did you get through them? What lessons came from them? How did these experiences change you? Express gratitude for your resilience, perseverance, and wisdom.
These prompts are a good starting point for finding self-gratitude within your journey of midlife and beyond. Keep your eyes open to see yourself as the resilient, capable, and wise woman you are. Then thank yourself for it.
Midlife and beyond is a journey you are fortunate to take, my friend. A consistent practice of self-gratitude helps you notice and celebrate how far you've come.
As always, I'm here cheering you on as you travel your journey of personal growth. I love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so please reach out at karli@flipsideofmidlife.com.
Thanks for listening to this episode of FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE™️. I'll be back next week with another episode to help you build a self-gratitude practice in midlife and beyond.
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