FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE® with Karli Newman


Karli Newman

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Every woman in midlife and beyond can benefit from a close look at her unique self. Self-gratitude is on my radar this month!

In this episode, I guide you through three simple ways to recognize and appreciate your strengths - because sometimes it’s easier to focus on what you lack or what someone else does better than you.

You deserve to feel proud of the incredible woman you are. Hit play and let’s explore self-gratitude together!

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My Made For Midlife & Beyond Holiday Planner is available to help you prioritize self-care and simplify the holidays, all while letting go of limiting beliefs. Get it for free at https://karli-newman.myflodesk.com/holiday-planner-2024

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Hey, my friend, welcome back to FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE™️. I'm Karli Newman, and as always, I'm thrilled to have you here with me. 

It's common to express appreciation and thankfulness in November, but how often do you express self-gratitude? 


Every woman in midlife and beyond can benefit from a close look at her unique self. Your ability to notice and appreciate what makes you, you leads to a boost in self-compassion, self-awareness, and self-love. It feels really good to express self-gratitude! 

There are many things about yourself to be grateful for. You're pretty freaking amazing, after all. But it can feel overwhelming to start a self-gratitude practice. Don't you worry, I got you. 

Let's start with your strengths, shall we? 

It can be uncomfortable to identify your strengths.

Sometimes it's easier to focus on what you lack, or what someone else does better than you. But you have many strengths. A bit of guidance may be all you need to see them. 

Here are three ways you can notice and express gratitude for your strengths. 

First, you can keep a journal to record when one of your strengths appears. 

Jot down the situations where you demonstrate your strengths and the outcome you receive. Maybe you recognize when you navigate a tough conversation with empathy, creatively solve a problem, or stay calm under pressure. Over time, this journal is a tangible reminder of your strengths in action. In turn, you build self-awareness and appreciation for your unique strengths. 

Second, you can use strengths-based affirmations.

I love using affirmations. Early in your day, choose one of your strengths and create a positive affirmation about it. Here's an example. I'm grateful for my resilience and how it helps me keep trying, even when I fail. Repeat your strength-based affirmation several times throughout the day to reinforce your strength and build a consistent self-gratitude practice. Over time, you'll notice a difference in how you feel about your strengths and your confidence in using them. 

Third, you can close each day with a strengths review. 

As part of your evening routine, think about one strength you used that day, no matter how small. Maybe you defused a stressful situation or you managed to stay on task in the midst of potential distractions. When you acknowledge even the smallest accomplishments, you notice the abundance of your strengths and build a practice of self-gratitude.

You deserve to notice and celebrate your strengths. They are needed in this world, my friend.

Please join me next week. I'll be right here with another way to practice self-gratitude. 

As always, I'm here cheering you on as you travel your journey of personal growth. I love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so please reach out to me at karli@flipsideofmidlife.com. 

Thanks for listening to this episode of FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE™️. It's my calling to help women like you tap into your positive mindset and inner expertise so you can see and seize the possibilities around you. You don't have to travel this journey of midlife and beyond alone! 

The FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE™️ is where you connect more deeply with yourself and other positive, kind, and fun women who understand. Want to be part of this community? Head to flipsideofmidlife.com where you can sign up for the free emails you want to receive, become a member of ELEVATE, attend events, and work with me one-on-one. 

You can count on my next episode to inspire and guide you to whole-life wellness in midlife and beyond. Please share FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE™️ with other women by subscribing, following, rating, or writing a quick review. 

Enjoy noticing your strengths and fostering your self-gratitude practice, my friend!


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