FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ with Karli Newman


June 26, 2024 Karli Newman
FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ with Karli Newman
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FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ with Karli Newman
Jun 26, 2024
Karli Newman

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This is the fourth and final episode in a series that guides you through a mid-year process that replaces New Year’s resolutions for me. I hope you give it a try and love it as much as I do!

The first three episodes cover the reflect, review, and reset phases. In this episode, I help you use what you’ve learned to reignite your journey. 

The episodes that lead to this one are:

Mid-Year Reflection

Review Your Mid-Year Reflections

Your Mid-Year Reset

Don’t miss this last phase that ties everything together and gets you back on a path that leads to beautiful things!

Prompts start at 02:53


See the details of my ELEVATE membership at https://www.flipsideofmidlife.com/elevate-membership (you can join there, too!)

Learn more about me and what I do at flipsideofmidlife.com

Schedule your Wellness Hours Chat at THIS LINK


I work exclusively with women in midlife and beyond. Want more content that helps you live a positive life? Join my email list at this link!


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Show Notes Transcript

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This is the fourth and final episode in a series that guides you through a mid-year process that replaces New Year’s resolutions for me. I hope you give it a try and love it as much as I do!

The first three episodes cover the reflect, review, and reset phases. In this episode, I help you use what you’ve learned to reignite your journey. 

The episodes that lead to this one are:

Mid-Year Reflection

Review Your Mid-Year Reflections

Your Mid-Year Reset

Don’t miss this last phase that ties everything together and gets you back on a path that leads to beautiful things!

Prompts start at 02:53


See the details of my ELEVATE membership at https://www.flipsideofmidlife.com/elevate-membership (you can join there, too!)

Learn more about me and what I do at flipsideofmidlife.com

Schedule your Wellness Hours Chat at THIS LINK


I work exclusively with women in midlife and beyond. Want more content that helps you live a positive life? Join my email list at this link!


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Thank you for listening! If you love the content here, don't be shy - follow, subscribe, rate, review, and share FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️. When you do, you help other women in midlife and beyond find this podcast.

Another way to support the show is to contribute a small donation of your choice every month. Visit https://www.buzzsprout.com/2226876/support to get it set up - & don't worry, you can cancel at any time!


The dog days of summer are right around the corner, my friend. At this time of year, I crave a slower pace, lighter food, and impromptu gatherings with friends and family. I want more time to be and less on my to-do list. Any of this resonate with you?

This is an ideal time of year to think about where you are and where you want to be. It's why I no longer bother with New Year's resolutions and use a mid-year process instead. I encourage you to try it out, too.


I'm Karli Newman and you're listening to FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️, a podcast for women in midlife and beyond who want to feel connected, hopeful, confident, and more satisfied with life than ever before.

I'm a coach who works with women in midlife and beyond to foster whole-life wellness. I know from personal experience what a transformational time of life this is, and I'm here to help you navigate challenges, uncover how to move forward, and continue on your unique journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

The FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ is a place for you to honor who you've been, love who you are, and be excited about who you are becoming.

I recently launched my ELEVATE Membership so you can tap into your self-knowledge and love your life. For $25 a month, you get my most-asked-for tools centered around a monthly topic.

With tools like affirmations, prompts for thinking and writing, and a checklist of 10 new things to try, you build whole-life wellness one month at a time. Venture into self-reflection and discovery to release beliefs and habits that no longer serve you. Shift your mindset to ignite change and ELEVATE your well-being.

Will you join me there? Check out the link in the show notes or head to flipsideofmidlife.com to see all the details and join ELEVATE today.

I'm here this month with a series of four episodes, each focused on one phase of the process I use over four weeks in the months of June and July. This episode is the fourth in the series.

I encourage you to listen to each of the four episodes so you have what you need to work through this effective process, listen to your inner voice, and feel so good about the next 12 months.

The previous three episodes take you through the reflect, review, and reset phases. The fourth and final phase which I'm walking you through today is reignite.

I have the previous three episodes linked in the show notes and transcript for you so you can find them easily.
Mid-Year Reflection
Review Your Mid-Year Reflections
Your Mid-Year Reset

Now let's jump into the final phase, shall we?

Grab your journal, notebook, or favorite app, my friend. If now isn't a good time for note-taking, that's okay. Just listen through to the end so you know what to expect. I'll drop a time marker in the show notes and transcript to make it easy to return right here in this episode when you're ready.


The past few weeks gave you space to pause, observe where you are, and notice where you want to be. Here in the reignite phase, you choose your guiding star for the next year. 

The next week is an opportunity to hone in on the one big thing calling to you. The thing that you can't stop thinking about. The life-changing thing that has shown up for you during the reflect, review, and reset phases.

Here's a prompt to sit with this week:

  • In my heart and soul, I feel my journey over the next 12 months is leading me to... 

Let this prompt float around your subconscious mind for a few days. Read the writing you've done over the past few weeks. Jot down your thoughts as they come to you. 

When you feel you've gotten it all out onto the page, choose your guiding star. Once you do, I have two more steps to help you get back on your path and reignite your journey. 

First, notice how your stepping stones, which you identified in the reset phase, will support you over the next 12 months. Use this prompt.

  • My stepping stones support me on this journey by... 

Think about how the stepping stones you selected will support you over the next 12 months as you head towards that guiding star.

Then, get ready to brainstorm with one last prompt: 

  • The big and small actions that will help me reach my guiding star are...

This is where you spit out all of the actions that you can possibly brainstorm that will help you reach your guiding star.

Allow yourself space to get as much onto the page as you can. Don't edit during this process. Just get it all out of your head. Don't worry if it makes sense. 

I encourage you to take a full week to work through these prompts. In my experience, the brainstorming can take a little bit longer. 

When you feel ready, it's time to light the match that reignites your journey. Start taking action. Use your stepping stones to keep you grounded. Keep sight of your guiding star. 

As you move forward over the next 12 months, be open to new ideas and opportunities that may appear in front of you. Your destination is known, that's your guiding star, but the path may look different than you expect it to.

So it's important for you to be open to seeing things differently and to recognizing signs and opportunities that come to you. Trust yourself to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and find yourself in a beautiful place in 12 months.

 Want to chat with me about your mid-year process?

My Wellness Hours are one-hour time slots on Wednesdays and Thursdays where you and I talk via Google Meet. It's your opportunity to get one-time coaching, ask my advice, or use me as an accountability partner. Gain clarity and move toward results more quickly when you talk it through with an expert. Head to my website, flipsideofmidlife.com, to learn more about my Wellness Hours and to schedule a time that works for you.

As I wrap up this episode, please know you are not behind if you haven't started yet. It's important that you choose the start and end time that works best for you. Depending on how I feel and what's going on in my life, I choose four weeks, somewhere between June 1st and July 31st to complete my mid-year process.

Remember my friend, you know you the best. This is your opportunity to discover what is effective and meaningful for you. Be open to exploration and trust yourself to know what is best for you.

This framework is 100 percent customizable. I hope you find ease and excitement within a mid-year process. Give yourself space to uncover and understand what it is you want and need to feel good.

I'll be back next week with another episode made for women in midlife and beyond. Until then, be well, my friend.

Thanks for listening to FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️. Will you help other women in midlife and beyond find this podcast? Please tell your friends and take a moment to follow, subscribe, rate, or write a review. It's so helpful when you do!