FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ with Karli Newman

Flipside of Midlife: Allow Your Wisdom to Shine

January 31, 2024 Karli Newman
Flipside of Midlife: Allow Your Wisdom to Shine
FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ with Karli Newman
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FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ with Karli Newman
Flipside of Midlife: Allow Your Wisdom to Shine
Jan 31, 2024
Karli Newman

Allow your life experience and wisdom to illuminate your path, and the path of other women, by noticing, appreciating, using, and sharing it.

Here are the prompts that start at 02:27:


  • Reflect on a challenging situation from your past. How did you navigate it and what valuable lessons did you learn? How do these lessons shape your decisions today? 
  • Think of your cultural or family background. How has it influenced your perspectives and experiences? How has this cultural wisdom enriched your life? How has it hindered your life? 
  • Think about a time when you faced adversity and emerged stronger. How did your resilience and coping mechanisms evolve? What insights can you note that may help you going forward?


  • Create a gratitude list for the wisdom you've acquired. Include moments, people, and experiences that have shaped your understanding of life and contributed to your personal development
  • Reflect on a decision that initially seemed challenging, but ultimately led to positive outcomes. What did you learn from this experience and how has it added depth to your life?
  • Describe how you've overcome setbacks and challenges. Now express gratitude for the strength you've discovered within yourself.


  • Identify an area of personal growth you're currently exploring. How can your past experiences and wisdom guide you in navigating this new chapter of your life?
  • Consider a mistake or setback you've experienced. How can you apply the lessons learned to avoid similar pitfalls in the future? In what ways does this contribute to your ongoing personal development? 
  • Reflect on your dreams and aspirations. How can your life experience and wisdom guide you in making intentional choices that move you closer to them?


  • Consider your unique perspectives and insights. How might your wisdom make a positive impact on other women? 
  • Think of the wisdom and experience you have that relates to your journey in midlife and beyond. What opportunities exist for you to share this knowledge? 
  • What do you know now that you wish you knew five to 10 years ago? How can you share these tidbits with other women in midlife and beyond?


  • Reflect on how you can tap into the collective wisdom of other women to gain perspective and navigate uncharted territory. What opportunities exist for you to build community and share knowledge in midlife and beyond? 
  • What resources exist for you to learn from a woman (or women) who has successfully navigated the unfamiliar territory you are entering?

Learn more about me and what I do at 823groupaz.com.


I work exclusively with women in midlife and beyond. Want more content that helps you live well?
Join my email list at this link!


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Show Notes Transcript

Allow your life experience and wisdom to illuminate your path, and the path of other women, by noticing, appreciating, using, and sharing it.

Here are the prompts that start at 02:27:


  • Reflect on a challenging situation from your past. How did you navigate it and what valuable lessons did you learn? How do these lessons shape your decisions today? 
  • Think of your cultural or family background. How has it influenced your perspectives and experiences? How has this cultural wisdom enriched your life? How has it hindered your life? 
  • Think about a time when you faced adversity and emerged stronger. How did your resilience and coping mechanisms evolve? What insights can you note that may help you going forward?


  • Create a gratitude list for the wisdom you've acquired. Include moments, people, and experiences that have shaped your understanding of life and contributed to your personal development
  • Reflect on a decision that initially seemed challenging, but ultimately led to positive outcomes. What did you learn from this experience and how has it added depth to your life?
  • Describe how you've overcome setbacks and challenges. Now express gratitude for the strength you've discovered within yourself.


  • Identify an area of personal growth you're currently exploring. How can your past experiences and wisdom guide you in navigating this new chapter of your life?
  • Consider a mistake or setback you've experienced. How can you apply the lessons learned to avoid similar pitfalls in the future? In what ways does this contribute to your ongoing personal development? 
  • Reflect on your dreams and aspirations. How can your life experience and wisdom guide you in making intentional choices that move you closer to them?


  • Consider your unique perspectives and insights. How might your wisdom make a positive impact on other women? 
  • Think of the wisdom and experience you have that relates to your journey in midlife and beyond. What opportunities exist for you to share this knowledge? 
  • What do you know now that you wish you knew five to 10 years ago? How can you share these tidbits with other women in midlife and beyond?


  • Reflect on how you can tap into the collective wisdom of other women to gain perspective and navigate uncharted territory. What opportunities exist for you to build community and share knowledge in midlife and beyond? 
  • What resources exist for you to learn from a woman (or women) who has successfully navigated the unfamiliar territory you are entering?

Learn more about me and what I do at 823groupaz.com.


I work exclusively with women in midlife and beyond. Want more content that helps you live well?
Join my email list at this link!


Support the Show.

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Another way to support the show is to contribute a small donation of your choice every month. Visit https://www.buzzsprout.com/2226876/support to get it set up - & don't worry, you can cancel at any time!

Flipside of Midlife: Allow Your Wisdom to Shine

You possess a powerful beacon inside of you, my friend. My question for you is... 

Do you choose to use it? 


I'm Karli Newman, and you're listening to Flipside of Midlife - a podcast for women in midlife and beyond who want to feel inspired, hopeful, confident, and more satisfied with life than ever before. 

My passion is to help you explore this transformational time of life, prioritize your wants and needs, and make these years your best years. It's at the heart of my business and it's why I show up here to dig into relevant topics that help you expand into the powerful and resilient woman you are. 

Get on my email list for weekly tidbits, shop my unique 'made for midlife and beyond' online shop, or work closely with me in my coaching programs, virtual workshops, and private wellness getaways. And if you happen to be in Phoenix, I'd love to see you at my monthly wellness events. 

I work exclusively with women in midlife and beyond because I don't want you to spend years figuring it out on your own like I did. Don't waste precious time!

You're more likely to get what you want on the flipside of midlife when you have the support of someone who has traveled the road before you, understands where you are, and cheers for you as you move closer to where you want to be. 

Take a baby step, my friend. Visit my website, 823groupaz.com, to see what feels right for you. 

Here in midlife and beyond, you possess more life experience and wisdom than ever before. Yes, you are still learning, but this hard-earned knowledge can lead you in the right direction if you let it. Release this beacon of light you possess to illuminate the path ahead of you and show other women the way, too. 

So, how do you go about noticing, appreciating, and using your unique blend of life experience and wisdom? Well, I have more than a few prompts to get you started. 

Grab your journal, notebook, or favorite app, and get ready to think and write, my friend. 

This is a prompt-heavy episode. May I suggest you listen through to the end of the episode so you know what to expect, then come back here when you're ready? I'll include the time marker and the prompts in the show notes and transcript. 

Time Marker 02:27

If you haven't thought about it before, you may not have an understanding of how your life experience has shaped who you are today and the wisdom you carry because of it. So, let's start with three prompts to help you notice your life experience and wisdom. 

Prompt number one. Reflect on a challenging situation from your past. How did you navigate it and what valuable lessons did you learn? How do these lessons shape your decisions today? 

Prompt number two. Think of your cultural or family background. How has it influenced your perspectives and experiences? How has this cultural wisdom enriched your life? How has it hindered your life? 

Prompt number three. Think about a time when you faced adversity and emerged stronger. How did your resilience and coping mechanisms evolve? What insights can you note that may help you going forward? 

Now that you can see your life experience and wisdom, let's move on to three prompts that help you appreciate it.

Prompt number one. Create a gratitude list for the wisdom you've acquired. Include moments, people, and experiences that have shaped your understanding of life and contributed to your personal development. 

Prompt number two. Reflect on a decision that initially seemed challenging, but ultimately led to positive outcomes. What did you learn from this experience and how has it added depth to your life? 

Prompt number three. Describe how you've overcome setbacks and challenges. Now express gratitude for the strength you've discovered within yourself. 

One of the benefits of knowing and appreciating your life experience and wisdom is the ability to use it to your advantage as you continue on your journey. 

Here are three prompts to help you use your experience and wisdom to guide you moving forward. 

Prompt number one. Identify an area of personal growth you're currently exploring. How can your past experiences and wisdom guide you in navigating this new chapter of your life?

Prompt number two. Consider a mistake or setback you've experienced. How can you apply the lessons learned to avoid similar pitfalls in the future? In what ways does this contribute to your ongoing personal development? 

And prompt number three. Reflect on your dreams and aspirations. How can your life experience and wisdom guide you in making intentional choices that move you closer to them? 

It's a meaningful rite of passage to allow your light to shine for other women who are traveling in new territory and, in turn, use the light of other women to guide you when you are. 

Here are three prompts to help you use your experience and wisdom to help other women in midlife and beyond. 

Number one. Consider your unique perspectives and insights. How might your wisdom make a positive impact on other women? 

Prompt number two. Think of the wisdom and experience you have that relates to your journey in midlife and beyond. What opportunities exist for you to share this knowledge? 

And prompt three. What do you know now that you wish you knew five to 10 years ago? How can you share these tidbits with other women in midlife and beyond? 

Finally, here are two prompts to help you use the wisdom and experience of other women to guide you when you are in uncharted territory. 

Prompt one. Reflect on how you can tap into the collective wisdom of other women to gain perspective and navigate uncharted territory. What opportunities exist for you to build community and share knowledge in midlife and beyond? 

And prompt two. What resources exist for you to learn from a woman (or women) who has successfully navigated the unfamiliar territory you are entering? 

I know those are some big prompts and you need time to sit with them. Allow yourself the space to think and write. Let your subconscious do some processing, then revisit and write some more. 

The powerful beacon inside of you is waiting to be unleashed. You can light the way for yourself and for other women. 

Here in midlife and beyond you are poised to tap into the wisdom you possess. 

This is the time to uncover the dreams and desires that inspire you and lead you in new directions. Now is when you prioritize YOU and take a no-holds-barred approach to living. 

Your light of wisdom is bright, my friend. Let it shine to illuminate your path and show other women the way, too. 

Thanks for listening to Flipside of Midlife. I'd love to hear from you! What got you thinking during this episode? Send me an email at karli@823groupaz.com, or if you're listening on Spotify, use your mobile app to respond to my Q and A and poll questions. 

Wherever you listen, it's helpful if you hit the button to follow, subscribe, rate, or even write a review. When you do, the algorithms help other women in midlife and beyond find this podcast. Please help me spread the word!